OdenseFisketorvet 4-6

Opening hours

  • Monday: 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • Thursday: 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • Friday: 3:00 PM - 11:00 PM
  • Saturday: 12:00 PM - 11:00 PM
  • Sunday: 3:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • *Your table is available up to 15 minutes after your booking time. After that it will be cancelled **The bar and kitchen have different closing times. The staff will always inform you 30 minutes before 🎪🍹 *** After 20:00 we do not take cash! 💳

Upcoming events

Bliv din egen bartender for en aften! 🍹✨

Apr 10, 2025, 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM

Drømmer du om at shake, mixe og imponere vennerne som en ægte bartender? Nu har du chancen! Kom til vores hyggelige cocktail-event, hvor du får lov til at være din egen bartender for en aften! Vores dygtige bartender guider dig gennem to lækre Pinchos-drinks, og til sidst får du frie hænder til at kreere din helt egen “Bartender’s Choice”! 🔥 💰 Pris: 249,- (inkl. 3 drinks + masser af bartender skills) 🍽️ Har du lyst til at nyde lidt tapas ved siden af? Der er masser af tid til at bestille over appen! Sådan sikrer du din plads: Når du booker dit bord, skal du blot skrive “Bartender” i booking-kommentaren, så kontakter vi dig på SMS angående køb af billet. OBS begrænset antal billetter 🎟️

Address & contact

“we believe in magic, Dazzling drinks & delicious dishes”

Enjoy entrées from all the cuisines of the world and heaps of colourful drinks, all in a really wonderful atmosphere. Bring your friends, co-workers or family - for moments big and small, you are always welcome here. Download the app and explore the menu!
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Would you like to treat someone you care about? Send a digital giftcard!


Pincho Nation isn't just any restaurant, we're the worlds first app restaurant. With the app you can make reservations and explore the menu full of delicious entrées and exciting drinks. Here you will place all your orders and, if you like, pay the bill at the end of your evening. Join our members club The Society and collect bonus points for future visits.