What do Christmas Eve, your sister’s birthday and a grey Tuesday all have in common? All are made better by a Pinchos gift card!
Available in the app
Now you can buy a gift card in the app. Set the value you have in mind, design according to your own good taste and fill in when you want the gift card delivered - it couldn't be easier! Also if you buy a gift card directly in the app, you earn bonus points to use in your next Pinchos visit. Perfect!
Are you interested in corporate gift cards? Read more here.
1. Open the app
Select ”Buy giftcard" and you're ready to start designing your own Pincho Nation giftcard.

2. Choose the amount and sender's name
You can choose any amount and sender's name you like.

3. Create the design
Set your imagination free! Customize your card with a personal message – choose from different gifs, change the background, and add emojis – or select from ready-made templates!

4. Almost done!
Enter the recipient's phone number and choose when they should receive the giftcard. The giftcard will then be delivered to the recipient as an SMS.